Free web applications: The best of the year 2020

Aplicaciones web gratis

Today there are many web applications that can be used without having to download anything. While there are people who prefer to use native applications, today's browsers are powerful enough to run even operating systems from a few years ago. In other words, many web applications will work perfectly from the same browser. In addition, they have the benefit that they can serve without problems on Windows, Linux, macOS, even on iOS and Android. For this reason, many developers will prefer to create a web application in order to support their users in a faster way and without having to invest so much resources and time.

Digital marketing: what do I need to know about this activity?

Marketing digital

First of all, what is digital marketing? We can define it as all those actions and strategies that are carried out through digital means to attract new sales or promote a product or service. These virtual channels can be web pages, blog, social networks, video, advertisements, among others. It is a discipline that has transferred techniques that were used in the offline world to the online world, but in this case a very particular characteristic is the immediacy and the enormous opportunities that the internet offers to promote a company or brand.

SEO positioning: how do I climb to position 1?

Posicionamiento SEO

Today SEO positioning has gone from being a fad to practically a necessity. They are strategies that will help your company or brand to position themselves better in search results and as a consequence you will get more sales and better results in general. However, the million dollar question is "how do I get to rank one?" Do you know what to do to get among the top positions when a person performs a related search? We will give you some suggestions below to make it happen.

Artificial intelligence and the end of the world ... is it possible?

Inteligencia artificial

We have seen it thousands of times in Hollywood movies: artificial intelligence rebels against humanity and kills either us or the world. But how possible can this be? According to a BBC interview with the late physicist Stephen Hawking in 2014, he claimed that "the development of complete artificial intelligence (AI) could translate into the end of the human race."

Online stores: The 10 best platforms of 2020 for its management

Tiendas online

For more than a decade, e-commerce has taken off in incredible ways, being one of the fastest growing sectors in the world today. Today, there are online stores for practically anything and every week thousands of new ecommerce sites are added to the existing ones. Among the most popular options today to create your online store are cloud platforms or a virtual store installed on your own hosting with its own programming.

Social networks: 10 keys to good management

Redes sociales

If you are starting with the management of social networks, whether they are yours or for a job, there are some things that must always be taken into account so that this work flows in the best possible way and has positive results. There are those who mistakenly think that managing social networks and performing the work of a community manager is easy and simple. "A twit is published by anyone," they say. What they don't know is perhaps all the work and effort that goes into knowing what tweet to post, when to post it, and how to measure its performance. For this reason, we want to share with you today ten keys to good social media management.

Web design: Its evolution in a few words and 4 fundamental aspects

Diseño web y su evolución

Web design is something that is very present in our lives today but it has undoubtedly evolved and changed as the years go by. Websites that 20 years ago seemed fabulous and creative to us, today they would give us a strange feeling of outdated and little focus on the user experience. But how did it all start? According to information published in Novva Marketing, the first website was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. His goal was to report on the Word Wide Web. At the beginning the pages were built with HTML and contained only texts. Little by little, icons, background images, banners and buttons were added.

Graphic design: 8 reasons that will convince you that you need it

Diseño gráfico para tu empresa

For several years now, artificial intelligence has been more and more present in our day-to-day lives, perhaps without you even being aware of it. They have even replaced some jobs previously held by people. A very popular implementation today is that of chatbots, for example, through which companies have replaced customer service personnel with a robot to attend to minor incidents and questions. Given all of this, you may be wondering if other jobs are in jeopardy from artificial intelligence as well.

SEO positioning company: 4 recommended reasons to have a blog

Empresa de posicionamiento SEO

For several years the content strategy through a blog - like this one you are reading - has been used a lot for marketing. The idea is that through the creation of useful, original and constantly published content, they attract more visits to the website. These people, if the content helps them solve a problem or find it useful, they may end up subscribing, buying or becoming a lead. The blog has also become an essential part of an SEO strategy in which the use of keywords or keywords is implemented in order to position the content in the results of search engines such as Google.

SEO: What should I expect from a consultancy to be effective?

Consultoría SEO

First of all, what is an SEO consultant? A consultant is a person who from his experience in a specific professional area advises others on that matter. In the case of SEO consulting, this person will advise an individual or a company on which are the best SEO strategies to carry out in order to improve their results in search rankings and achieve more visits and, therefore, higher sales. organic, that is, without advertising or paid campaigns.

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