The The Cloud Group es un holding empresarial enfocado en la transformación digital global.




Evolución de una marca, The Cloud Work Technologies a The Cloud Group



Evolución de una marca, The Cloud Work Technologies a The Cloud Group



The Cloud Group es un holding empresarial enfocado en la transformación digital global.


Our first brand, The Cloud Work LTD. Company incorporated in the Anglo-Saxon country by its initials Limited, a very incipient stage in which we only did ERPs for micro companies and websites for the self-employed. The next step was to adapt our logo to our growth, whichWe wanted to impregnate in our logo everything that differentiated us, the tree of life symbolizing evolution and the passage of time, offices defining our ideal client, companies; and finally a thinking mind, explaining our main work at that time, software engineering. Finally, an atom that united everything, within our cloud, by cloud computing. Once the holding company was created and already with several companies, our logo could not include everything we did in logo, and this business evolution was also noticeable in our image. We eliminate the texts, the content within the logo and gain breadth, seriousness and elegance. We had taken a step, and it was a graphic achievement to settle in countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Mexico and other markets. The current logo of the holding company, without gradients, complications and much simpler. With our corporate color the #ECB000, chosen by ANDxpedio (Procure), Comes (Companion) and Bracchium (Arm) in Latin, symbolizing that we will be a friendly arm for problems. Below you can discover step by step how we have been growing, advancing and overcoming the problems, which we think are the ones that seal the success of everything.


The Cloud Group's history dates back to 2013 when our CEO, Gonzalo Pinto Rojano, decides to apply his knowledge in Software Engineering and Computer Engineering to help companies. First, he did it as a worker in a municipal collection service company and then with his clients and contacts. Without great ambitions, Gonzalo's main objective was to help freelancers and small companies in his area, but the destination had other plans for him and he soon had to create a brand to consolidate his growth. It is here when our first name is born, The Cloud Work Technologies Ltd, fiscally created in England.

Evolución de una marca, The Cloud Work Technologies a The Cloud Group
Evolución de una marca, The Cloud Work Technologies a The Cloud Group


From the experience acquired developing tax and collection software, as well as the design of web pages for companies, The Cloud Work had the possibility of positioning itself in the market as a software company, specialized in custom CRM and ERPs. Additionally, since Gonzalo Pinto always liked design, creating web pages became, along with custom software development, the mainstay of the company. The Cloud Work is positioned as a company of professional websites and custom software in 2015 for the Community of Madrid with a portfolio of 80 active clients. Find out how Gonzalo thought openly, for better and for worse, in the video below.

From the experience acquired developing tax and collection software, as well as the design of web pages for companies, The Cloud Work had the possibility of positioning itself in the market as a software company, specialized in custom CRM and ERPs. Additionally, since Gonzalo Pinto always liked design, creating web pages became, along with custom software development, the mainstay of the company. The Cloud Work is positioned as a company of professional websites and custom software in 2015 for the Community of Madrid with a portfolio of 80 active clients. Find out how Gonzalo thought openly, for better and for worse, in the video below.


Since 2015 The Cloud Work has not stopped experiencing organic growth due to the broad need of the national market. At the end of 2016 we already had 3 workers in Spain for software development, web pages and SEO positioning. That year, due to customer demand, we began to provide digital marketing services, gradually specializing in that market, being able to provide a 360º solution to companies, software, marketing and web design.

Innovation comes hand in hand with the disappearance of borders, and Gonzalo always knew that the plan for The Cloud Work was the international market as a software and digital marketing company. 

The Cloud Work continues to grow and takes a position at the forefront of digital transformation in Central America with its new home in Havana, Cuba. With this movement, we try to position ourselves at the forefront of innovation in countries with less development than Europe, and successfully, from Havana we serve several countries in the American continent.

La entrada en el sector de los drones produjo un desenfoque en The Cloud Group.


In constant innovation, The Cloud Work does not stop looking for a comprehensive solution for its clients through a single provider. In mid-2017 we fully entered the drone sector, coming to work with Televisión Española and Antena 3 or Telecinco. We believed that we could cope with everything, and that in all sectors we would do well, and we began to lose focus. We discovered that the sector of drones for audiovisual production began to multiply and soon there were thousands of companies formed by a pilot and a drone, remaining out of cost and infrastructure. That is why we decided to make a mix of what we did well and what we liked: drone software, surveillance and security, fully entering the sector in countries such as Mexico and the Dominican Republic, leaving aside the Spanish market for the moment.


After the reality shock that meant losing focus and being on the verge of dying of success, due to investing time in the wrong, we adjusted all the resources and needs of the company to be the best in software, digital marketing and communication, closing a fairly wide circle for our clients. We make up a series of processes and strategies within the company to grow in a solid and consolidated way, focused on what we know how to do best. Since then, all strategies have gone in the direction of improving the provision of these services.

This year as defined by our founder, was the most critical of the company, having to debug a wide set of internal and external problems that had been caused by the blur itself. Bad investments had been made and we had acquired unnecessary infrastructure, staff were hired quickly and unstructured to grow without control in a sector such as audiovisual that was totally unknown to us. 

All these elements, among others, have been problems that we have overcome with great effort and dedication that have undoubtedly prepared us for the success and work we have today. We think that one is worth as the problems that overcome, and we in this phase had many.

The Cloud Group aterriza en Dubai


Helping companies around the world remains the primary focus of The Cloud Work. Having the experience of opening the office in Cuba, we realized that there were other areas of the globe that also needed technology and the next step was to go to the Middle East. With an office in Dubai, in the city of the internet, by the end of 2017 we began to carry out work for large Spanish companies that worked there. From the United Arab Emirates we begin to provide support in a wider schedule and to countries that we would never have imagined before.

It is in this year when having already passed all the debugging tasks of the previous year, that we begin to really see the light; the business prospers at high speed, in a very structured way and adding value to the market. The opening of this office ushered in a new era at The Cloud Group with a growing international client base, draft projects and a large, almost completely renovated team that truly understood WHY we existed. From this wonderful location we were able to obtain projects throughout the Persian Gulf and get closer and closer to hitherto unknown countries such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, India and Oman among others.


Over the years, the different lines of business grew, on the one hand the software company, on the other hand the digital marketing company and finally the web design and development company. Additionally, on the other hand, the business consulting that allowed us to project and structure the processes of digital transformation also grew, we began to sell at no cost for our journey, applying in other businesses what we had achieved in our own. 

With this reality and the offices in Dubai and Havana, the time has come to grow at the brand and administrative infrastructure level, and that's when The Cloud Group was born UNTIL THEN THE CLOUD WORK TECHNOLOGIES, an international service holding company with different companies that make it up with the same objective and a totally renewed face.


In March 2018, due to the growth and consolidation of The Cloud Group in the international market, the European Union elects us as representatives of Spain to attend the Tianguis Turístico de Mazatlán, México. In this event The Cloud Group had the opportunity to invest in companies, find new business partners and by chance, a new home, Tlaxcala de Xicohtencl, capital of the smallest state in the country, Tlaxcala. In this city we established our third international office, expanding our human capital, which by that date was distributed in Spain, Mexico, Cuba and the United Arab Emirates.

With the passage of time in the Mexican market we realized how complicated it is to undertake tequila and chile in the Republic. Getting a diversified client portfolio throughout different states such as CDMX, Querétaro, Puebla, Sinaloa, Jalisco and of course Tlaxcala. 

This knowledge acquired through investing in personnel, marketing and business alliances allowed us to learn about what it means to do softlanding in a structured and planned way, allowing us to contribute this value to all our businesses, clients and partners.


By August 2018, with the offices of Cuba, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates and Spain functioning, Gonzalo Pinto Rojano, is preparing to make a route through the offices in the Caribbean. This route, which a priori was to last 12 days, was extended for personal reasons until October 2 and after being until 21 in Spain, our CEO makes the decision to settle in Cuba to live to develop the business in the Caribbean in a more solid and consolidated way. After 8 months living in Havana and consolidating the growth of the holding in the Caribbean, expanding our human capital and client portfolio, our CEO returns to the headquarters of the Holding, Spain, with an improved and expanded vision of the reality of the world.


During the 8 months that our founder Gonzalo Pinto was living in Havana, the expansion towards Asia was forging along with our structure with quality systems based on ISO 9001, increasingly robust procedures and processes, a consolidated management system and an experienced team, already with even senior profiles. 

With the constant growth of projects in the Persian Gulf, on time jobs in China and Eastern Europe we had to continue growing in personnel and especially in innovation, both internal and productive. By the third quarter of 2019 we had opened an office and created a team of 5 people in North India, Uttar Pradesh. This team, currently around 12 people, focused mainly on supporting the client portfolio and SEO positioning work for clients from all over the world. 

During the last quarter of 2019, the focus was on consolidating the work team and adapting the staff of the new office to our processes and procedures. At the same time, the offices in Mexico, Cuba, Spain and Dubai were running normally; We had managed to centralize the business model operating in several countries with different cultures, different hours and, above all, different levels of digitization, so our procedures were the protagonists.


With a record 2019 for The Cloud Group, 2020 presented very promising. We had a defined personnel growth plan, an increase in sales of a minimum of 20% and the opening of an office in two new countries. The first quarter contained as we expected, new clients, new projects and even more growth. We had our suitcases ready for a trip to India to forge strategic alliances, to China to capture talent in the universities and endless more plans, but COVID appeared.

Unfortunately, unlike what happened with many companies around the world, The Cloud Group has been made stronger by COVID, we have exceeded forecasts and we have grown by 34% so far this year, when the expected one was 20% annual. We have expanded our network of partners, clients and we have grown in personnel and quality. 

We have taken advantage of the slowdown in the world to put ourselves ahead in technology, R&D and many other tools that due to the global maelstrom we could not do; When the world stopped, at The Cloud Group we accelerate as much as possible. 

As it could not be otherwise, we have launched various campaigns to support SMEs, with price reductions of up to 70%, encouraging the local economy of the countries in which we are present.

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