The The Cloud Group es un holding empresarial enfocado en la transformación digital global.

7 little-known tricks to convert without selling

Do you want to achieve conversions and sell without selling ?, since converting without selling is one of the best strategies that exist today for the world of sales because the strategies of selling through insistence and in front do not work. The reason may be related to the commercial avalanche that we are all exposed to all the time. Moreover, it seems that whatever we do there is always someone trying to sell us something. You turn on the television, and there you see thousands of commercials on all channels, you open a newspaper or magazine or even surf the web, and the same thing: products and services being promoted everywhere.

Nobody wants you to sell them but to help them

At the end of the day, the truth is that nobody wants you to sell anything but to help them and this is the best way today to publicize your products and services and achieve… a sale! To make it happen we want to share with you seven keys that will help you in this process of converting without selling.

convertir sin vender
Nadie quiere que le vendas sino que le ayudes

1. The objective should not be to close a sale but to open a relationship

To convert without selling, you should focus more on opening a relationship than closing a sale. Allow people to connect with you and your brand through respect, trust, honesty and all the factors that are present in a good relationship. Sales will follow.

2. Help your customers

Instead of making sales directly, seek to help your customers. Get their respect and trust by helping them in various ways that may even seem good at first that you are giving away your knowledge or services, but the truth is that they will appreciate it and later the sales will occur.

3. Understand your customer

Take the time to understand your client and their doubts and needs. Keep in mind that with a few clicks they may be able to find the solution to what they are looking for elsewhere, but if you try to go a little further and understand them in a human way, they will see an added value that they probably will not find elsewhere.

Nadie quiere que le vendas sino que le ayudes
Nadie quiere que le vendas sino que le ayudes

4. Confrontation

The objective is not to engage in a discussion but to make the client see your point of view and how the solutions that you offer can help them in a better way to solve their problems or concerns. The traditional service sales model where you seek to please without offering your point of view as a supplier is no longer in use.

5. Be honest

You must be 100% honest when trying to convert without selling. In other words, if you have little experience, do not say that you have a lot, if you know that you are not the best, do not pretend that you are and also if you know of someone who can serve the customer better than you, go ahead. Honesty will create a great reputation for you that will make people feel comfortable buying from you.

6. Abandon the sale if necessary

If you stick with the sale, you will appear desperate and most likely create resistance from the customer. People will see what you are doing and perhaps even consider that your product or service is not very good, nobody buys it and that is why the desperation you emanate.

Nadie quiere que le vendas sino que le ayudes

7. It never ends

If your intention is to convert without selling, you should know that the relationship with your client never ends, even if the contract ended or they never bought anything from you. You must remain willing to help him and be attentive because at any time he could become interested in your products or services again.

In addition, you can follow the following recommendations that will also help you convert without selling:

  • Name what you sell so buyers can identify you.

  • Use a problem-solution speech that meets the needs of your target.
  • Sell the benefits of your products and not their features.

  • Identify possible objections to your sale and learn to refute them with arguments.

  • Love what you do, it shows and is transmitted by leagues.

  • Find out what the conversion rate is and make the necessary adjustments.

Nadie quiere que le vendas sino que le ayudes

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