Desarrollamos software a medida para tu empresa con las mejores garantías del mercado. Si quieres saber cuánto te costaría tu software personalizado, ponte en contacto con nosotros.


Desde nuestros orígenes hemos desarrollado software o sistemas de gestión a medida. Desde programas de facturación hasta herramientas de control comercial. Optimiza los recursos de tu negocio adaptando la tecnología a ti, no al revés. Si crees lo necesitas, Get in contact with us.

Mobile apps

Si lo que necesitas es una aplicación móvil en iOS o Android, podemos ayudarte. Llega con más facilidad a tu público o gestiona desde tu mano todo tu negocio de forma sencilla y rápida con una aplicación móvil adaptada a tus necesidades.Si quieres una app, Get in contact with us.

Custom Plugins

Si dispones de una web en wordpress y quieres ir un paso más allá disponiendo de un plugin personalizado y adaptado a tus necesidades sin salir de tu web, nosotros desarrollamos y programamos plugins wordpress a medida. Si buscas un plugin, Get in contact with us.

With custom software you won't get tired anymore! Work with Excel, Sage, Access or even on paper, we will help you create a program or computer system that automates a large part of your tasks so you can focus on the crucial activities of your business. You have to allow the technology to work for you. 

At The Cloud Group we are specialized in developing custom software, adapting it to your business and not the other way around. We will analyze all the needs that you transfer to us and we will propose the best technological solution to cover themIt can be a mobile application, a system based on big data or a custom ERP or CRM. 

Artificial intelligence

Las empresas de hoy en día usan la inteligencia artificial para optimizar o automatizar sus procesos de forma inteligente. Si buscas que la tecnología aprenda para mejorar tu negocio sin que tu estés preocupado, Get in contact with us.

Big Data Services

Los grandes volúmenes de datos se pueden analizar para obtener ideas que conduzcan a mejores decisiones y movimientos de negocios estratégicos. Si buscas tener todo esto en un software para te empresa, Get in contact with us.

Custom Projects

Si tienes en mente algo que todavía no existe y no buscas un sistema de facturación o CRM típico, nosotros lo crearemos sin problema. En nuestro ADN se encuentra la innovación y ejecución de proyectos así, Get in contact with us.

In the 21st century, there is nothing more important for a business than information, with 100% software adjusted to your needs you will be able to know each data. Having so much information will allow you to make decisions in a much more agile and efficient way. 

Let's develop billing software, management or whatever you need for your project, you will always have statistics of all kinds, informative reports and indicators so you can take action as quickly as possible. Start working smartly. 


At The Cloud Group we work with multinationals, with SMEs and also with entrepreneurs. If you are one of the last, you want to launch your minimum viable product and dazzle the market with your incredible idea, you've come to the right place. We know where you are, and where you want to go, so we will make it easy for you. 

We will create a comprehensive work plan of the different phases of your project, carrying out an MVP at the lowest possible cost with maximum quality to dazzle your early adopters or potential investors, we will create a roadmap, UX / UI study and we will support you in all the phases with our digital consultancy so that your product is incredible. 


History of Custom Software

Software within a company is essential today thanks to the digital transformation of the world and businesses, the weight that information has acquired and the globalization of the economy. The advantages of a custom software are endless since you will be able to have the tool just as you need it, no extra features, no 3 different applications or payments for systems that you do not use at all, a 100% tailor-made suit adapted to your business and your needs.
From the introduction of computers in business in the 1960s and 1970s to the creation of the Word Wide Web in 1989 or the emergence of artificial intelligence In business in the late 2010s, great strides have been made in the field of software development for companies of any size, country or sector.
From a small freelance to a multinational, software makes competition more equitable between different businesses, increases productivity and allows you to have everything under control.
For companies that want to be at the forefront and continue to be profitable companies in the market, the custom software development of The Cloud Group It gives them a competitive advantage over the others given our experience in Multinationals, SMEs and small freelancers all over the world in all kinds of sectors.
Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group podrás tener Estadísticas en Tiempo Real.

Maximum quality

Our engineers work with passion and talent to deliver superior quality. All of our custom software is developed with the best quality standards, cutting-edge programming languages and engineers with pioneering training.

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Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group obtendrás un diseño a medida.
Continuous improvement

We work with doctors from the most prestigious universities in the world and our knowledge is always in recycling, this will affect your system from the beginning and once finished, we will be innovating even when we are finished.

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Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group podrás trabajar desde cualquier lugar.
The best prices

Our extensive experience allows us to tackle innovative projects without over-costs. We do not like to reinvent the wheel and we flee from providers who seek to loot your bank account or get rich with one with what it costs to start.

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Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group obtendrás un diseño visualmente amigable.


Nuestros más de 10 años transformando empresas por todo el mundo nos avalan. Hemos trabajado para multinacionales de renombre y para autónomos o micro empresas increíbles que nos hacen estar súper orgullosos con lo que hacemos día a día.

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Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group obtendrás un sistema totalmente intuitivo.

¡Nuestras garantías huracán y tormenta te protegen ante incidentes en el software. Dichas garantías, blindadas por contrato protegen la entrega a tiempo del proyecto y que sea exactamente lo que buscabas, queremos que estés feliz y satisfecho con lo pactado.

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Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group mejorarás notablemente tu comunicación.

Management with agile methodologies allows us to anticipate times and problems before starting. You will be able to see at all times what we do, how your project is progressing and comment in real time on any doubts, concerns or problems that arise.

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We transform your dreams or needs into software solutions

With more than 6 years of experience designing complex systems in various countries, we are the perfect ally to help you improve your business and take it to the next level or establish it definitively.

If we do not meet your expectations or you are not satisfied we refund the 100% of the money. Feel safe with our Storm and Hurricane guarantees. Discover them here.
Created Software
Satisfied customers
Years of experience
Products and services
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