Worpdress Custom Plugins

If there are no custom plugins that do everything you need, we will develop it.


Are you looking for custom plugins? You need to know this!
Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group podrás tener Estadísticas en Tiempo Real.

More professional website

We know that there are WordPress plugins, or for other platforms, of all kinds. What's more, many can even be had for free. However, if what you want is to have professional web pages and you can't find anything ready that fits your needs, you need a developed plugin.

Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group obtendrás un diseño a medida.
Professional Tips

If you have doubts about whether it is necessary to make a custom plugin or if an existing one could serve you in your project, we will advise you. The Cloud Group, a software development company, will guide you in what you need regarding all the functionalities you are looking for that your website has.

Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group podrás trabajar desde cualquier lugar.
We develop anything

Do you want your custom plugins to do something you thought impossible? No problem, for us everything is possible and we are ready to face any challenge or create things that no one else has created yet. Tell us, what features do you need? We are ready to support you, you will have an expert team that will help you from the first moment.

Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group obtendrás un diseño visualmente amigable.

Get just what you are looking for

If you have a website with very specific requirements, you will need very specific functionalities as well. Our software development service also includes the creation of custom plugins that perform certain actions that you need so much in your project and that add to the objective of your brand.

Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group obtendrás un sistema totalmente intuitivo.
Easy to use

Our custom developed plugins are created with the user experience in mind, both for those who will use it as a visitor to the website and for the person who has to manage it as a member of your team. You will not need to know programming or code to use custom plugins.

Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group mejorarás notablemente tu comunicación.
Get TOTAL Freedom

A custom plugin will always be an excellent option if you are looking for complete freedom and flexibility regarding what you need your website to do or not do. Also, if later you need to modify any functionality or add a new one, you are completely free to do so and we will be ready to accompany you in the process.


Whether you need custom plugins for WordPress or for another platform, the limit is only your imagination.

Tell us what you need and we will be there to carry out all those ideas to reality. Our goal is to develop custom plugins that you and your project need.


We can not only create a plugin from scratch according to what you need but also we can also add functions to an existing plugin.

All we need is for you to tell us what functionalities and features do you need and we will look for the best way to implement them.


As time progresses, everything is updated and it is possible that the environment where your plugin is integrated will generate conflicts with it.

That's where The Cloud Group comes in, ready to help you edit and update those custom plugins they are no longer working properly.

We want to be part of your team supporting you with the development of the custom plugins you need or any other project you have in mind. Our sfotware marketing and development agenda has the main goal of making your business successful. We know we can do it together and make all kinds of courageous decisions that take us to the top.

"Every time you see a successful business, someone once made a brave decision."


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