Get more traffic online today and turn it into effective sales through the support of a professional digital trafficker


Why do you need the support of a digital trafficker in your digital marketing plan?
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Audit your Account

One of the functions that a digital trafficker has is to carry out audits, such as your advertising account on the web and social networks. This professional will evaluate the actions that have been carried out today in the project, in addition to analyzing the competition and proposing improvements and changes.

Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group obtendrás un diseño a medida.
External audit

By conducting an external audit, you can also get information about your competitor's sales funnel, the types of ads they run (their copy and gear), keywords they buy for their ads, and many other details that may be of interest. importance to you.

Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group podrás trabajar desde cualquier lugar.
Effective Campaigns

The main task of a digital trafficker is to create effective advertising campaigns for the platforms where you want to place ads. In addition, it will determine the most appropriate objectives according to each campaign to be carried out and will segment the audience to make the necessary copies and arts.

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Evaluate the Competition

Additionally, know what your competition is doing and how you can do it differently and better through the analysis that a digital trafficker can provide you. In addition to evaluating the content that others publish, it will also evaluate the advertisements they are placing.

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Publicitary estrategy

A digital trafficker from our digital marketing agency in Madrid will be able to support you in creating your personalized digital strategy. If you have to create sales funnels, what products should be highlighted, how and where, which ads need to be created and more are tasks for this professional.

Con el Software ERP a Medida de The Cloud Group mejorarás notablemente tu comunicación.
Analysis of results

Measurement is always essential in any project and it is also one of the activities carried out by a digital trafficker. It will indicate the most important metrics according to your campaigns and goals and what needs to be adjusted to achieve more conversions and close a greater number of sales.


After doing a thorough analysis of all your campaigns, the digital trafficker will be able to determine what elements are to modify to be more effective.

Based on this analysis, this professional will recommend which elements should be optimized and if the budget should be increased or decreased.


A digital trafficker can also collaborate with the content creation and production on the brand's social networks, as well as developing a strategy that helps improve the traffic that your website receives.

Activities on social media can help drive traffic to the web after attracting your attention with interesting and useful content.


Finally, after the audit and improvements that a professional digital trafficker implements, the client may be informed of the findings and where to put the magnifying glass in order to improve and achieve the success that has been so desired.

As each project is unique, the work of the digital trafficker is of utmost importance since each one of the tares that are carried out must be adapted to the specific needs of the same.

We are inspired to support you and give you the support you need from our experienced digital traffickers. We want to accompany you with our marketing consulting so that we work with all possible effort together towards mutual success.

You are ready?

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working."


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