The The Cloud Group es un holding empresarial enfocado en la transformación digital global.

Social networks: 10 keys to good management

If you are starting with the management of social networks, whether they are yours or for a job, there are some things that must always be taken into account so that this work flows in the best possible way and has positive results. There are those who mistakenly think that managing social networks and performing the work of a community manager is easy and simple. "A twit is published by anyone," they say. What they don't know is perhaps all the work and effort that goes into knowing what tweet to post, when to post it, and how to measure its performance. For this reason, we want to share with you today ten keys to good social media management.

1. Each social network is unique

Each social network is unique and we could even say that each one has a different personality. For this reason, the strategy you use in one should not be the same as you use in another.

In addition, the ideal is to use those networks that can really bring a benefit to your business and with which you can connect with your target audience. For example, Facebook is ideal for generating conversations, but Twitter is the most immediate of all and can be helpful for some occasions. On the other hand, if you need to show images and videos, then you require a more visual social network such as Instagram or Pinterest.

Redes sociales

2. Focus on quality and not quantity

Instead of trying to post something quick several times a day without much analysis, focus on making quality posts that, in addition to providing useful content, provide your network with a positive and professional image.

3. Networks are not free

No, social media is not free. Yes, it costs nothing to open and publish, but if we take into account the time it takes to update them, respond to comments and create the content we allocate for them, these are hours that add up to money. That is why you must manage well the time in your schedule that you dedicate to social networks.

4. It requires constant dedication

To get good results with social media management, constant dedication is essential. It is important to set specific methods and times in which you can make contacts, update content, profile information and constantly improve the image of your company.

5. Use support tools

There are many tools you can use to make social media work much easier for you. For example, you can schedule posts in advance, create designs for networks quickly and easily, measure the performance of your accounts and many other things that will help you in managing social networks and having better results.

6. Good communication

For social media to work best for you, you should use it bi-directionally. It's not just about people commenting and liking your content, it's about you answering them, asking questions and interacting with them too. This means a simple thank you or like back, at the very least. You will see how this action will help you generate a community and strengthen relationships.

7. Connect with your target audience

Take into account what your target audience is when creating content on your social networks because a very general statement that seeks to inform and not really connect with anyone in particular is not the same as content created particularly for the target you want to reach. To achieve this, you must know the interests and pain points of these people and how you can serve them content they want to consume.

8. Take care of the visual

There is nothing as unprofessional as posting pixelated or stretched images on social media. It also looks very bad to post photos in low lighting or use poorly legible fonts. Remember to take care of everything visual in social networks because you can attract attention, but in a negative way.

9. Informality, but up to a limit

Informality helps to create closeness and trust with people on social networks, but everything has a limit. Jokes in bad taste or vulgar vocabulary may already be overstepping the line.

Redes sociales, una buena gestión

10. Seeks to continually improve

There will come a day when we receive some negative feedback. It is unavoidable. But try to see it more as an opportunity to grow and improve. Never take them personally, because they are not, seek to turn the situation around and make the improvements you have to make and keep aiming for success.

Read other articles of interest in our blog and if you need help to manage your social networks, The Cloud Group is ready to serve you. We will wait for you!