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Social networks are digital communication spaces that allow interaction with one or more users in real time, which makes them interactive and unlimited by nature, be it through a smartphone or traditionally through a computer. Nowadays, they allow sharing content through different formats, while conversations are held on one or multiple topics in common, giving immediacy to the information we generate and consume. According to a study on social networks in 2020, carried out by the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Spain (IAB Spain), an important global association for communication, advertising and digital marketing, WhatsApp was one of the most used networks in the world during 2020, followed by Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.
What does this mean? That it is becoming more and more essential to communicate in writing, orally, or through video calls by these means, while we share information in real time with our friends or family from any corner of the world.
Experts in this area speak of five advantages in particular, regardless of their uses and format:
The misuse of them can be classified as crime. In addition to this, it can cause a certain dependence on digital environments, which can translate into distractions during work hours or in other activities that require our utmost attention.
On the other hand, they can distort the identity of an individual not only personally, but also professionally. The same can happen with a brand from a corporate point of view. This aspect is linked to the purpose of the network and the content that is shared on it.
In summary, social networks, in addition to being professional tools that allow us to position a brand or company to reach more users or clients, are also spaces that facilitate communication and interaction with people, according to the purposes they pursue and the rules. establish their communities.
It is important that before approaching them we know how they work, what they are for and what their purposes are, since although they all share similar benefits, it is necessary to determine how we will take advantage of them depending on our professional or business needs.
If you need advice on the subject, The Cloud Group can help you improve your visibility in this area by designing strategies according to your target audience.
On the other hand, if you want to discover more news about these spaces, you can read more about social networks on our blog.