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One of the challenges that many specialists and brands face these days is to achieve the long-awaited popularity in Internet search engines. It is not an easy task in such a competitive and constantly changing field.
The good news is that, far from being an impossible mission, there are strategies aimed at improving the performance of a web page, making it stand out from the millions of alternatives presented by the different search engines.
A great deal of information has been disseminated on this subject, however, it remains unknown to many.
The term SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which translates into Spanish as search engine optimization, is used to refer to a set of actions that are carried out in order to position a web page organically in the different search engines, in a few words, appear among the first results, once the user has requested what he wants to achieve through keywords.
Among the many benefits that SEO positioning offers, one of them and the most relevant is to increase the volume of visits to a web page, which in the medium or long term can attract potential customers and generate profitable conversions.
Google, as the search engine with the greatest reach in the world, has taken pains to optimize the crawling and indexing of content, and, as if that were not enough, it uses more than 200 positioning criteria, carefully examines the content of websites to assign them a position or value range. It could be said that Google rewards what it considers appropriate in compliance with all SEO positioning parameters.
Although the origin of SEO dates back to the appearance of the first search engines, it was with the appearance of Google that the SEO method became more relevant, it has gone through many changes, until it became what it is today. .
It is supremely important for many reasons. Just to mention an example: If a company offers online courses for sale, there are millions of companies that are dedicated to the same and make it known on their websites, the difference is that more than 80% of the people who request information to Google, they choose the most predominant references, and these are found on the first page of the search results. The influence that a user has when making a decision is closely linked to what is most reliable and realistic.
This is how SEO positioning works! It is a chain reaction, the more visits a website has, the more competitive advantages it will have.
The main parameter that determines the positioning of a web page is the quality of the content, if the intention is not to go unnoticed, what the viewers see must be really nice and useful.
Good practices will be decisive for the success of an SEO positioning strategy, which is why, in addition to quality, search engines take into account other important factors, some of them are:
–The authority of the page, this has to do with its credibility, if a web page provides valuable content to the point that users are interested and want to spread it, this can add many points in its favor.
– The mobile version of a web page. When indexing, Google emphasizes access from mobile devices, which has gained prominence, giving priority to those pages that adapt their content to different screens.
– Optimization. This is one of the most important factors, since it encompasses web usability and page load speed, which together are taken into account by Google to assess performance.
– The texts. Here comes into play both the description of the content of the page in search engines and the titles, subtitles and sections, everything must be properly identified, according to the corresponding HTML tags.
– Internal or external links. These elements must be aligned with the content and always updated, since if Google verifies that a link is broken or that it is not relevant, it can penalize the page.
– Safety also counts. Threats are always the order of the day and Google stays alert to anything that could compromise the security of the website itself or that of the users who visit it. To avoid this type of inconvenience, it is necessary to carry out continuous monitoring and thus detect malware or any other type of attack.
There is no doubt that having an efficient strategy of SEO contains many competitive advantages.
If you have doubts about how to position your website in the first search results, don't worry, leave it in the hands of experts and contact The Cloud Group.