
Differences between landing pages and squeeze pages

Although there is still much confusion between the functionality of landing pages and squeeze pageThey both have different purposes.

It is true that they can complement each other by working together to obtain better results, however, understanding the differences that define a landing page from a squeeze page is essential to implement an appropriate digital marketing strategy.

Definition of terms

To get into the matter, we must start by clarifying the definition of landing pages and squeeze pages.

This way you will start to notice the differences.

Landing pages are pages where visitors land after clicking on a link on a website, blog, email, advertisement, social network, among others.

Their approach is very specific, they promote traffic so that users execute a single action, which is usually to convert visitors into potential customers.

On the other hand, squeeze pages belong to one of the types of landing pages but with another objective: to capture data.

In other words, it is about a visitor providing their email through a form, in this way the intention is to increase

the number of subscribers in a company's database, to whom you can later offer your products or services.

These types of pages are at the beginning of the subscriber acquisition funnel.

How to differentiate landing pages from squeeze pages?

In principle, you need to know how important it is for a business to have a landing page that promotes sales of products or services and, in turn, to have a squeeze page to obtain the email addresses of visitors.

When a landing page is created, it must have a specific and previously defined conversion objective.

A feature of landing pages is that they are simple, that is, they lack distracting elements that can divert the attention of visitors, they do not have menus, nor links or buttons to social networks, it is designed in this way in order to achieve the expected conversion by the user. Username.

Instead, squeeze pages are used to get subscribers..

To achieve this goal, we must offer a striking proposal that captures the attention of the target audience and they cannot resist our offer, in exchange for their email we offer them a benefit or gift, such as: participating for free in an event, downloading a book electronic etc

A particularity that squeeze pages have is that they have fewer elements than landing pages, they are very concise, the less data requested from the user, the better, because if the implemented form has many fields to fill in, the visitor will simply leave the page and it probably won't come back.

myths vs reality

There are many who think that the more objectives a landing page has, the more favorable it will be, this is not true, it makes no sense to set a large number of objectives if this will only distract the user or confuse him, everything you do on your landing page It must be focused on a particular objective, according to the segmentation of your audience.

Another very common myth is: people do not read on the Internet and for this reason squeeze pages should have very little text, the reality is that people do not read what does not catch their attention or what is not striking enough to incite reading, if your texts generate confidence and are interesting, you will see the results. Of course, extremes are harmful, you will have to make sure that your writing on squeeze pages is balanced and meets the criteria established for these types of pages.

If you have reached this point, surely now it will be easier for you to distinguish when you are in the presence of a landing page or, on the contrary, a squeeze page, take into account that each of them offers you the possibility of generating more value for your company and stand out from your competition.

Do you want to transform your business digitally? You are one step away from doing it, we help you with the optimization of your marketing strategy through the use of professional landing pages, if you are interested in knowing more, Get in contact with us.