The The Cloud Group es un holding empresarial enfocado en la transformación digital global.

Software developer: 5 soft skills everyone should have

As is known, a software developer is a professional in the technological area who is involved in the planning, development and design of systems or programs, on which the virtualization or digitization that we know today is based. Although this profession is in charge of examining codes written by web programmers, it also facilitates the management of data volumes and allows verifying the existing compatibility between the different programs that operate in digital spaces. Most of these experts are aware of their technical skills to compete effectively in the job market today, but it is worth asking what about soft skills or soft skills?

If you work in this area, or you want to start doing it very soon and you still do not know what skills of this type you should develop to improve your professional profile, in the next lines we will talk more about them. For now, let's answer the following question:

What is the main role of a software developer?

The truth is that there is not only one. However, and paraphrasing the job web portal Neuvoo In its Mexican version, the five most relevant functions of this profile today are:

Desarrollador de software
  • Examine new and old systems and verify their operation or operability.
  • Introduce new programs or operating systems and update them when necessary.
  • Create manuals or technical instructions with the corresponding specifications on how the system works and how to deal with it in case of errors.
  • Optimize existing programs or systems so that they can be used in the different devices that use ICT today.
  • Work as a team or jointly with other professionals specialized in the telematics area: graphic designers, project managers, web writers, among others.


Ideal soft skills in a software developer

After visiting multiple websites specialized in human resources, among the most prominent for this profile we find:

  • Versatility: You must have the ability to adapt quickly and easily to be able to work on different tasks or projects at the same time.
  • Communication: Maintaining a fluid and continuous dialogue with co-workers and clients, guarantees that each phase of the project can be executed more effectively and with greater success.
  • Cooperation: Teamwork.
  • Proactivity: Take initiatives to improve labor productivity and thus meet the objectives and assigned delivery times.
  • Leadership: Capacity of a person to influence a certain group of people in a situation. Why is it necessary? Because it will allow the professional to delegate the correct tasks to each member of the team.

Other soft skills that should interest you when training in this technological area are:

  • Creativity: It is not talked about in artistic terms, but about how we are able to generate new ideas, concepts or associations from what we already know, which will allow us to solve technical conflicts with greater ease or expertise.
  • Assertiveness: Whether we work from home or in an office, knowing our rights and duties while respecting others will help us better understand our professional role.

How do soft skills contribute to the technical functions of the profile?

Soft skills help us understand and evaluate the way knowledge is organized, how it is interpreted and represented in the world or in a certain area. In this case, in the virtual or digital sphere.

In addition, they allow us to be more empathetic with our work group and to find viable solutions as a team when it comes to finding technical failures or addressing problems, which makes our work environment more dynamic and enjoyable.

As you can see in summary, soft skills take on great relevance when working as a software developer, which you must take into account when starting out in this area at a professional level or while searching for your ideal job.

At first, discovering these types of skills can be somewhat confusing, especially if you are experiencing your first work experiences. However, as you assume your functions and skills, you will be able to find those that fit your personality and way of working.

Remember also that the soft skills that we have mentioned here are not the only ones that exist. You can access websites or blogs related to human resources and find more information about it that complements your professional profile.

Finally, if you are interested in reading more relevant content or related to the telematics area from The Cloud Group, we invite you to read more here. Until next time!

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