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Is a website accessible to all necessary? The answer is always going to be YES!

Accessible Web Pages

We have talked on different occasions about the importance of having an optimal web design for business, as well as the benefits that come with it, but are we not overlooking certain responsibilities? You have probably heard the term "responsive design”, Since it is on the first order of the day. This refers to the adaptive design of web pages to different devices, such as computers, mobiles or tablets. On this occasion, we will go a little further from the devices and we will focus on the people who use them.

Today we have so internalized the use of the internet in our daily lives that the vast majority of times we do not realize its importance. From the fact of sending a message to a family member to managing your business through it. Are you able to understand the world without the internet? Very well, let's think then of all those people who are left out of this platform due to the inability of web pages.

Página web accesible
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Páginas Webs Accesibles

In the first place, web pages accessible to everyone are based on the fact that the content is important, but above all it is important due to the fact that it will later be read by people with different abilities and conditions, so we should not take nothing for granted. These mainly have tools such as voice programs, which are capable of reading a web page in its entirety, mainly focused on people with visual disabilities.

  • At this time there are several tools that measure the accessibility of web pages. They are easy to use, simply entering the URL in the platform generates a report with the percentage and the aspects to improve. Among the main ones are TAWDIS or Examinator.

At The Cloud Group we can help you build that web page dreamed of accessible design for all internet users. Our team is made up of professionals with a lot of experience in the creation, design, management and launch of web pages. We will work hand in hand with you to achieve the most optimal results by establishing compliance measures. 

For this and much more, we consider that web accessibility It is a competitive advantage over many competitors, but above all, it helps improve the quality of life of many people by providing the same opportunities to everyone. Little by little we will make the internet a more inclusive site. Dare to take the step and contact us! We are waiting.


Páginas Web Accesibles

Currently in Spain, people with disabilities represent 5'9% of the population, that is, 1,774,800 people between 16 and 64 years of age.

If we are situated on a global scale, the figure rises to more than 1 billion people, who do not have access to the internet due to barriers that are very easy to break with simply adapting a Web page.

Among other ways to facilitate reading, we must take into account the contrast of the background with the color of the text, since a background very similar to the color of the text makes it impossible for people with a certain degree of blindness to read it. In the case of videos, we have means such as subtitling videos or translating them into sign language. We must be careful not to create designs that can cause epileptic seizures and to design maps that are easy to navigate.

If you want to offer an even more inclusive and accessible product or service for everyone, contact us

Finally, if you want to continue reading content related to responsive web pages and accessible, we invite you to read more in our Blog.


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