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WhatsApp for digital marketing? Does it really work? According INESEM Digital Magazine, this social network is the second most used today by the Spanish. They cite a report by Hootsuite and We are social in 2019 where they indicate that 87% of respondents use it daily. So it's really not that far-fetched to consider it for digital marketing strategies. But how can it be achieved? Is there any real advantage?
The main advantage is that WhatsApp is a social network that transmits closeness. Since in principle people use it to communicate with their family and friends, it gives the feeling that the company or brand is as close as they are.
Another advantage is the scope and frequency of use of WhatsApp, which allows messages to reach a much wider audience.
In addition, content can be sent in various formats, such as images, videos, audios and links, to name a few. Sharing them, in turn, with other people, is very easy to do.
As part of a digital marketing strategy, it's great for reaching your potential consumer directly. There is no interference between the company and the client, no advertisements or anything that could interfere with the message that you want to communicate.
Also, there is still not much competition in digital marketing through WhatsApp, so if you are a pioneer in your niche in the use of this tool, you will have a competitive advantage.
Not long ago WhatsApp Business was available as a sister application to WhatsApp but with other unique options for companies.
For example, you can configure absence messages, work hours, automatic messages, upload catalogs and much more that allows you to improve customer service in general.
Many companies that take orders for delivery rely on WhatsApp Business to take customer orders and close the sale, to give an example of the use of this social network in companies.
As if that were not enough, WhatsApp Business also includes a statistics panel that allows you to know the number of messages received, sent, read and others.
WhatsApp can be integrated into a digital marketing strategy very effectively. As we already said, one of the greatest values is to allow direct communication with users by offering valuable content.
The first thing you should do is define the objectives of the use of WhatsApp for your company. Following that, you must promote the registration of your telephone number as a means of contact and customer service. WhatsApp Business allows you to create a link that can be shared wherever you want and through which they come directly to a chat with you.
Keep your messages clear and fresh. From time to time you can send promotions in this way through a distribution list or using WhatsApp statuses.
The best content to enjoy on this network must be visually attractive and easy to consume.
Finally, try to respond to the people who contact you in this way quickly, cordially and efficiently. Take into account the feeling of closeness that people expect to receive through this social network.
Despite all the advantages that exist with respect to WhatsApp as part of a digital marketing strategy, there are also some disadvantages or disadvantages.
One of them is that it must be installed on a mobile phone. Just as the personal WhatsApp is linked to a smartphone, the same happens with the WhatsApp Business app. Therefore, the most convenient thing would be to acquire a computer that will be used only for this purpose if you do not want to mix your personal things with your work ones.
For this application to work you must have a permanent internet connection. That is, if there is no good data signal or WiFi, it will not work, not even through WhatsApp web.
If you want support for your digital marketing strategy, we invite you to contact The Cloud Group where we want to be your allies. If you want to read other articles of interest, we invite you to take a tour of our Blog where you will surely be able to find out many more things related to digital marketing, software, social networks and more.