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The technology sector and that of software companies is one that, despite the global crisis of 2020, has remained afloat. In May 2020, Forbes published an article where he mentions which of them are still operating to this day, Apple being the one at the top. Despite a manufacturing slowdown in China and tariffs that drive them to have lower profit margins, Apple remains at the top of the list of 161 companies made by the aforementioned magazine where they measure the largest public companies in the world. We can also say that this year 2020 has seen companies from other sectors close their doors, but that of technology seems to have reached its peak.
Apple fell three places compared to the previous year but when compared to the software industry it maintained its position in the ninth echelon. On the other hand, Microsoft was ranked 13th. With its market value of 1.4 billion dollars, it is the largest in the United States and second in the world, according to the quoted article.
If it weren't for Amazon being classified as a retailer, it would surely be on this list. It is one of the companies that has grown the most during the pandemic and investors are betting heavily on it.
Then the Alphabet company ranks at number 13 on the list, tying Microsoft. Facebook and Tencent, meanwhile, managed to place themselves in the top 50, behind Samsung and Intel.
Other technology companies in the top 100 are software companies IBM, Cisco and Oracle. That indicates that they have earned between April 2019 and April 2020 almost 800 billion dollars in market value.
That figure is even more revealing given that the profits of those 10 companies actually declined slightly in the same time period. Import tariffs on smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices made in China took on great importance from earnings reports across Silicon Valley this past fall and winter, "Forbes said in its article.
They also mention that the state of California in the United States continues to be the center of the technological world. Six of today's top 10 software companies are headquartered in San Francisco Bay, and 45% of all are in the United States.
Another company worth mentioning is Dell, which rose through the ranks since it returned to the public markets in December 2018 with a VMware VMW deal and thus managed to go from number 469 to number 127.
CEO and founder Michael Dell was able to post a profit of $ 4.6 billion in the past 12 months after having suffered losses through 2018 and the first quarter of 2019.
But we cannot stop talking about Uber, newcomer to the list at number 712. Despite the blow received since the pandemic, in view of the decline in the collaborative economy, and with which they lost more than 8.5 billion dollars , are still important.
On the other hand, Zoom and Slack, despite not being in the top 100 list of software or technology companies, have a promising future. Zoom achieved 1601 and Slack in 1990.
The reason is due to the increase in remote work around the world and how these two companies have offered useful tools so that it could be carried out efficiently.
It is very likely that given everything that happened in 2020, these last two companies will make a huge leap for the list that Forbes publishes next year. For this reason, do not stop reading our Blog because for sure we will post something about it. In addition, at The Cloud Group we are ready to support you as one of the best software companies that you can count on today, with a presence in various countries.Contact us today!