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The information contained in cyberspace today is extremely vast and it would take us hundreds of years to explore all the content it offers, especially with regard to digital marketing refers. Search engines and positioning SEO they have managed to improve our virtual experience when it comes to knowing and exploring digital content, which has been beneficial especially when we access information online. However, establishing the relevance of said content in the market and for users, as well as the message it provides or offers to them, is one of the many variables that search engines can manage when ranking a website and position it as one of the first options.
Some were leaders during 2020 in technological content and continue to be highly visited by netizens until now. These are:
1.Inboundcycle: As indicated on its own page, this blog provides "techniques and resources" that allow generating both commercial and branding proposals and opportunities, based on the experiences of a great team that focuses on this area.
2.Hubspot: It focuses on offering conversations with its trending users, without neglecting the software programming part, which must be integrated at one time or another with digital marketing.
Although the latter depends on what technological service or product we are dealing with, sooner or later both professions end up intertwining.
3. Luis Maram: It is a space that addresses not only marketing, but also complements it with other topics inside and outside the virtual sphere: fashion, human emotions, the new normality, and more.
If you are looking for technological content aimed at millennials, this is a very friendly option.
4.Cyberclick: In this blog you will find a lot of useful tips and suggestions to become an effective digital marketer. From how to position yourself in a social network, to how to create your first campaign. All this type of information you can get in this place focused mainly on funnel methodology for advertising.
5. SEM Rush: The blog in Spanish of this platform that allows you to know the traffic and number of visitors in real time of a specific website or social network, usually provides practical advice focused on how to measure or improve an SEO positioning strategy within a digital advertising campaign. .
6. Good rebels / rebel thoughts: Here you will find, according to its authors, reflections with a digital prism on marketing, society, innovation and technology.
7. Vilma Nunez: In the blog of this Spanish-speaking digital marketing specialist you will find varied information within the virtual sphere and about connectivity.
8. Antevenio: The issues raised by this space around information and communication technologies, as well as their different professions, are outstanding.
9. Brandemia: Beyond advice on abstract elements that can be applied digitally, this online site shows real cases of how those ideas materialize thanks to the ingenuity and creativity of people.
10. Branzai: Spanish platform that seeks to promote the country's branding trends. It is an indie proposal, above all because of the visual format that it offers as part of its UX. His editorial line is quite critical, full of interesting reflections in his speech.
In summary, being at the forefront of digital marketing requires time and great planning when selecting the information we offer to our community or audience.
Most of the blogs that we have mentioned in this article are about virtual spaces inserted in the web pages of digital agencies, which have created a close link with their clients or users through the content of the value they offer, especially when they are posted on practice in the professional or business field, something that many definitely appreciate.
If you are interested in knowing about the benefits that a space in your company or business can bring to establish multidirectional dialogues with your clients or users, do not forget to get in touch with us for more details.