Custom software or standard software, which one does my company need?

software a medida

On the internet you can get many things for free without paying a penny, even software for your company and that may be enough to solve the needs you have. What's more, we recently talked to you about standard management software and how it can help your business in various tasks related to workflow so that it grows and bills more. However, there are times when nothing that the market offers in terms of business software can meet the needs you have today and you have to resort to custom software. How can you know if your company needs it?

Web Design in Barcelona: How to optimize it for search engines?

Diseño web Barcelona

SEO is becoming more and more important every day. As the millions of companies in the world compete for visits, users and, of course, sales, the eternal fight to appear among the first places of the search results in engines like Google, Bing and others, is more and more strong. One way to compete better and more assertively is to have a web design in Barcelona that has been made with search engine optimization in mind.

SEO positioning: How does organic positioning work? - Get SEO positioning in Madrid!

posicionamiento SEO

SEO positioning is something that we have talked about before and it is about optimizing our website so that it appears higher in the search engine rankings. Nowadays it is almost completely necessary for any marketing strategy to incorporate SEO positioning tactics and practices in Madrid or wherever your company is located so that you are more likely to be found by the users you want to reach your site.

Custom Web: Do you think your business needs it?

Beneficios de tener una página web profesional

Nowadays, making a web page is something easy. We have different platforms where following a few steps and, with a template, it can be done quickly. We also find somewhat more complex options, such as open source software, which can be done easily with the help of a professional. As we can see, creating a website is within the reach of anyone with certain technological skills, but making the one your company needs is something much more complicated. We must be aware of how valuable it is to make a proper website.

SEO positioning and your business: do you optimize it to the maximum? Find out!

8 tendencias SEO 2020 que todo profesional digital debe saber hoy

To do a little memory about SEO positioning and the 25 years that we have been using it, we must not forget first that SEO is based on a series of algorithms that are indexed to the content of the web and returns it in an orderly way, according to its parameterization to the user after searching for the words he has entered.

SEO agency in Madrid: 5 advantages of hiring the best


Do you know what SEO positioning is? Its acronym in English stands for Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Optimization and consists of a process that seeks to improve the visibility of a website so that it appears positioned in the organic results of Google and other search engines. Among the things that can be achieved with the positioning and help of an SEO agency in Madrid are: increasing the visibility of a business or a brand; drive traffic to a website; and improve ranking with specific keywords.

Software development: Improve efficiency with a Quality Management approach

5 software de gestión que debes conocer

The development of custom software is increasingly demanded by small and medium-sized companies that seek to improve the profitability of their businesses through digital transformation. In response to these demands, companies, freelancers and freelancers that seek to attract these clients, do not always achieve desired levels of efficiency and therefore fail to retain their clients.

Web design: 8 incredible free image banks

Diseño web en Sevilla

Whether for web design in Seville or anywhere else, high quality images or illustrations will always be needed to accompany the structure, texts and information of any website. A designer or developer will be looking for the most appropriate image for each project that participates and it is not always an easy task, despite the fact that every day there are more free image banks with thousands and thousands of graphics available to download and use, copyright free. However, there are some considerations to take into account to know which are the free image banks for web design that best suit your needs.

Open source: what is it and what software companies use it?

Código abierto: ¿qué es y que empresas de software lo usan?

Open source, also known as open source, is a code of a program that is freely distributed, that is, it has no cost to use. In the same way, it can also be modified by users without any restrictions, which makes it very attractive to many software companies. An example that serves as an analogy may be that of a recipe. If the recipe were open source, it would be public and anyone could know the ingredients and the steps to prepare it. If the code was not open, you would have to ask for permission or acquire a license to use the recipe.

The 9 benefits of social media in your business that will boost your brand

Beneficios de las redes sociales en los negocios

Social networks have been growing for more than a decade and the use and benefit that people find in their personal lives are many. However, there are also benefits of social networks for companies that, if you are in charge of a business, should interest you because they are tools from which you can take advantage of a lot. In this article we want to name you some benefits of social networks that can be very useful to you.

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