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He web positioning in Madrid is the best way to get organic traffic that increases the leads and conversions of your website.
Of course, you don't get to the first position of Google automatically. You need to apply different strategies digital marketing and SEO OnPage to achieve your goals.
The good news is that in this post you can find 9 tips that will help you implement a good web positioning strategy, according to the trends of the Google algorithm for this 2022.
Seize it.
A good SEO strategy is based on satisfying the human factor, not the algorithms. And Google understands that better than we do.
So, if you always think about the user, you can apply an effective positioning strategy.
The following 9 tips to position a web page will help you be on the first page of search results
The Core Web Vitals ranking is key to positioning, since Google wants users to receive information quickly and to the point. Therefore, pay attention to:
These metrics should be low, close to zero, for Google to understand that your site provides a good user experience.
Adapt your site to voice search, since many search by Google, Alexa or Siri to find nearby stores.
And if you offer keywords according to what the user asks for, you will increase your company's sales.
Prepare your entire website to adapt to mobile devices with a good design quality.
Most users do searches on our mobile.
In addition, Google better positions websites that offer a more user-friendly mobile design.
We are not saying to upload the video to your website or hosting, as this will slow it down, but to use YouTube, TikTok and other platforms to upload videos with high quality and add the links to your content.
In this 2022 we recommend that you write long content that has effective semantic power and that strictly responds to the search intentions of your buyer person.
We are not talking about filling with straw content, we are talking about offering the user content that adds more value.
This is by far the most important key to the SEO positioning of your website.
It is estimated that the podcast will be one of the main factors of web positioning in the future.
Implementing it now will give you a considerable competitive advantage.
Google Business Profile will allow you to create your company's profile to make it available to those people who are looking for the products or services that you offer.
For this, you can use Google Maps or Google Search.
Best of all, this will boost the local SEO of your business and give you more visibility.
A good SEO strategy has planning and study, both of the competition and of your business.
Therefore, we recommend that you use tools that help you define good keyword strategies, competitor analysis, links, etc. These are:
And finally, we recommend that you stay up to date with Google RankBrain updates.
Being attentive to the click rate and the time a user browses your website will help you know what you are doing well, what to improve and how to do it.
With these web positioning techniques in Madrid you will have crazy results in a short time.
Don't miss out on the competitive opportunity you have when you learn how to position yourself in Google with the 9 tips described in this post.
But, if you need help developing and implementing a web positioning strategy, we encourage you to contact The Cloud Group.
We will help you to be in the first positions of Google so that you get more leads, organic traffic and conversions.
A bright future awaits you with The Cloud Group.